Jesus Molina
Jesus qualified as a dentist in Venezuela in 2002, where he worked in private general practice. In 2007, he completed the Statutory Examination (IQE) in order to register as a dentist with the UK General Dental Council. In 2009 Jesus gained the Membership of Faculty of Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh (MFDS RCSEdin). The same year he commenced a two year part-time MSc programme at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute and was awarded a distinction in his MSc in Endodontics in 2011. In 2019 Jesus gained the Membership in Restorative Dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeon of England (MRD RCSEng). Since 2011 Jesus has remained part-time at Eastman Dental Hospital where he is employed as a Specialty Doctor in Endodontology and as an Honorary Clinical Teaching Fellow for UCL, teaching on a part-time basis at the Eastman Dental Institute. The remainder of Jesus’s time is spent in a private referral practice in North London and Kent.